




学校 (填英语名称)
专业 (填英语名称)
大一 大二 大三 大四
你参加高考的省份 (填汉语拼音,如 湖南省 Hunan)
很差 一般以下 一般 较好 很好
很差 一般以下 一般 较好 很好
没有 几乎没有 一般 较多 很多
没有 几乎没有 有时 经常 总是
没有 几乎没有 有时 经常 总是
没有 几乎没有 有时 经常 总是
没有 几乎没有 有时 经常 总是
没有 几乎没有 有时 经常 总是
没有 几乎没有 有时 经常 总是



01. When you turn in your homework late you say to your teacher             
A. Here is my homework.
B. I hope I get a good grade.
C. I am sorry that my homework is late.
D. Sorry about my homework.
02. When you are not sure about what someone said to you, you would respond             
A. Repeat what you said.
B. I did not understand you, say it again.
C. Pardon me?
D. What did you say?
03. Joy calls her college classmate Jade but her roommate answers the phone and tells her that Jade isn’t home. Joy would like the roommate to tell Jade something and she says             
A. Can I tell you something?
B. Can I give you something?
C. Can I leave a message?
D. Can you leave a note?’
04. You work at a restaurant, and you are taking Bill’s order:
You: Would you like anything else?
Bill: That’ll do it.

Bill means             
A. He wants all his food done well.
B. He wants his order right now.
C. He wants to make the food himself.
D. He doesn’t want anything else.
05. Two classmates, Xiao and Ming, are talking about their summer plans.
Xiao: I am travelling to Beijing, so I can see my friends.
Ming: Do you have a lot of friends in Beijing?
Xiao: Are there flies in the summer time?

Xiao means that             
A. he has a lot of friends in Beijing.
B. he has a couple of friends in Beijing.
C. there are a lot of flies in the summer time.
D. he hates flies in the summer time.
06. You open the door for your English teacher and say             
A. Go, sir.
B. I will wait, sir.
C. First you go, sir.
D. After you, sir.
07. You just got a haircut, and someone says to you “Your hair looks good today”. You should respond by saying             
A. I hate my haircut.
B. It looks awful.
C. Oh my goodness I love it too.
D. Thank you.
08. You are walking and someone is standing in your way. What do you say to get around him?
A. Move please.
B. Excuse me.
C. You’re in my way.
D. Watch out please.
09. You walk into class twenty minutes late. You say to your professor             
A. Sorry, I am here now.
B. The traffic was bad.
C. I thought class started later.
D. I am sorry; the traffic was very bad this morning.
10. You want to leave work early your boss says “We would appreciate it if you stayed”. You assume             
A. You can go home.
B. If you stay you do not need to come tomorrow.
C. You need to stay at work.
D. You are fired.

11. Your American English teacher gave you compliment by saying “Your English is excellent!” You replied             
A. I don’t think so.
B. You are very nice to me.
C. Thanks, I have studied English for many years.
D. No, my English is still poor.
12. Your best friend received a full scholarship for this semester and you say to him             
A. Congratulations. That’s something.
B. Congratulations. I envy you.
C. Congratulations. You have something.
D. Congratulations. I wish I had something.
13. During a meeting with your classmates and teachers, you want to interrupt and say something; you say             
A. Be quiet, it’s my turn to say something.
B. Stop; may I say something here?
C. If you don’t mind, may I say something here?
D. I want to interrupt you because I have something to say.
14. Your friend has worn a nice dress for school pictures today and you want to compliment her, what would be the best statement?
A. Nice clothes.
B. You look nice today!
C. Are those brand new?
D. Are those expensive?
15. Someone holds the door open for you. You say and do             
A. Oh, that’s okay; you don’t have to.
B. I can get the door myself.
C. Thank you; and you walk through.
D. You glare at the person and motion for him or her to go first.
16. You have been invited to a party, but you have to decline. You say             
A. I am not coming.
B. I don’t want to come.
C. You are having a party? I didn’t know ahead of time, so I can’t come!
D. Sorry, I can’t because I have an exam tomorrow.
17. You missed your friend’s phone call. When he asks why you didn’t answer, you say             
A. I was busy.
B. I’m sorry that I missed it; I must have not heard it ring.
C. I can’t answer my phone all the time.
D. I must have lost it. You should call several times next time so that I can find it.
18. You got a very high score on a test and your friends congratulate you. You respond             
A. Thanks, I worked really hard on that test!
B. I should have studied harder.
C. Thank you, how did you do?
D. I think that I got the highest grade again!
19. If someone asks you “Can I have a moment?”

He means that             
A. He wants to ask for more time.
B. He needs help with something.
C. He wants a favor.
D. He wants to speak to you about something.
20. You want to borrow class notes from your classmate. You say             
A. Lend me your class notes.
B. Would you mind lending me your class notes?
C. I’d like to borrow your class notes.
D. Will you lend me your class notes?

21. You are invited to visit your friend’s house. He asks you if you want something to drink. You are not thirsty; you say             
A. Yes, please.
B. Yes, thank you.
C. No, I don’t think so.
D. No, thank you.
22. Your friend tried but could not help you, you should say             
A. Thank you the same.
B. Thanks, anyway.
C. You are welcome.
D. Thanks, you didn’t help.
23. You accidentally call the wrong number, what do you say to the person who received your call?
A. Bye. Have a great day.
B. I’m sorry, I dialed the wrong number.
C. Are you sure this isn’t John’s house?
D. I don’t know what happened.
24. You are in class and a classmate sneezes. You say             
A. Excuse you.
B. Bless you.
C. Wow, that was loud!
D. Are you sick?
25. You help an elderly woman cross the street and she thanks you. You reply by saying             
A. That is fine.
B. You are welcome.
C. It was nothing for me.
D. I had to get to the other side anyway.
26. In a crowded subway, a woman steps on your foot. She says ‘I’m sorry.’ You say             
A. That’s okay.
B. No bother.
C. It’s nothing.
D. Don’t mention it.
27. The following conversation is between Tom and Joe talking about their friend Steve.
Tom: Do you think Steve is still sick?
Joe: He wasn’t in school again today.

Joe’s reply means that             
A. Steve likes to skip school.
B. Steve and Joe don’t have classes together.
C. Steve is still sick.
D. Steve is not sick anymore.
28. Your friend tells you, “Samantha’s dad is no longer with us.”

Your friend means that             
A. Samantha’s dad left her family.
B. Samantha’s dad passed away.
C. Samantha’s dad went on a trip this weekend.
D. Samantha’s dad moved to a different city.
29. Two friends, Zack and Andrew, are discussing baseball cards.
Zack: “Hey Andrew, can I see your baseball card collection?”
Andrew: “In your dreams!”

Andrew means             
A. Zack is allowed to see his collection.
B. Zack isn’t allowed to see it.
C. Zack can only see it for a short time.
D. He misunderstood Zack.
30. Sally is talking about a gift her aunt sent her with her friend Jason.
Sally: I got a gift from my aunt today.
Jason: Did you like it?
Sally: It was nice of her to send me a gift.

Sally means             
A. It was nice of her aunt to send her the gift.
B. She did not like the gift.
C. She likes the gift.
D. She thinks the present is nice.

31. You have done some grocery shopping. The man at the cash register has just finished packing your groceries and gives you the bags. The man would probably say             
A. Here you are.
B. Here you go.
C. They are there.
D. There they are.
32. Peter and William are talking about watching a movie.
Peter: Hey, William, what are you doing?
William: I am writing an essay for my English class.
Peter: You’ve been writing that essay for two weeks. Why not take a break? Let’s watch a movie tonight.
William: I have to finish my essay by midnight tonight.

William means that             
A. he will go to the movie.
B. he will not go to the movie.
C. he will finish his essay tonight.
D. he will first finish the essay and then go to the movie.
33. Two mothers, Barbara and Judy, are talking about their children’s new English teacher at the end of the day.
Barbara: Do you like the new English teacher?
Judy: Well, she has pretty hair.

Judy’s reply means that             
A. She likes the new English teacher.
B. The teacher’s hair is pretty.
C. She doesn’t like the new teacher.
D. She wishes she could have her pretty hair.
34. Two girls are talking about a boy.
Jill: Do you like David?
Molly: Is the sky blue?

Molly means that             
A. She does not like David.
B. She likes David.
C. She wants to know what color the sky is.
D. She is indifferent about David.
35. You want your English teacher to repeat a question in class. You say             
A. Could you please repeat the question, sir?
B. I did not get the question, sir.
C. Will you repeat the question, sir?
D. I really need you to repeat the question, sir.
36. You are walking on the street and want to know what time it is. You see a man with a watch and say             
A. Excuse me, can you say the time?
B. Excuse me, time please.
C. Excuse me, what’s your watch show?
D. Excuse me, do you have the time?
37. Two friends are discussing books.
Mark: Did you like the book Animal Farm?
Pete: Well, the cover was nice.

Pete mean             
A. He loved the book.
B. The cover was beautiful.
C. He does not like to read.
D. He did not like the book.
38. The following conversation is between Tom and Jason who are roommates:
Tom: Is our neighbor on vacation?
Jason: I haven’t seen his car all week.

Jason’s reply means that             
A. the neighbor is not on vacation
B. the neighbor is on vacation
C. the neighbor’s car is broken
D. the neighbor’s car is stolen
39. You invited your friend for a dinner at home. Accidentally, your friend broke a glass and apologized. You replied             
A. That was my favorite glass.
B. That’s OK, the glass was old anyway
C. Don’t worry. I’ll buy a new one.
D. Don’t worry, it was a cheap glass, I never liked it anyway.
40. You invited your best friend to eat at a restaurant. He brought you a present. You said to him             
A. You shouldn’t have.
B. How much was it?
C. I cannot accept it.
D. I like the color.